glock | - 9x19mm Sidearm |
usp | - KM .45 Tactical |
p228 | - 228 Compact |
deagle | - Night Hawk .50C |
elite | - .40 Dual Elites |
fiveseven | - ES Five-Seven |
m3 | - Leone 12 Gauge Super |
xm1014 | - Leone YG1265 Auto Shotgun |
SMG | |
mac10 | - Ingram MAC-10 |
tmp | - Schmidt Machine Pistol |
mp5 | - KM Sub-Machine Gun |
ump45 | - KM UMP45 |
p90 | - ES C90 |
galil | - IDF Defender |
ak47 | - CV-47 |
sg552 | - Krieg 552 |
famas | - Clarion 5.56 |
m4a1 | - Maverick M4A1 Carbine |
aug | - Bullpup |
sg550 | - Krieg 550 Commando |
scout | - Schmidt Scout |
g3sg1 | - D3/AU1 |
awp | - Magnum Sniper Rifle |
m249 | - M249 |
AMMO | |
primammo | - Full Primary Ammo |
secammo | - Full Secondary Ammo |
buyammo1 | - One Clip Primary Ammo |
buyammo2 | - One Clip Secondary Ammo |
vest | - Kevlar |
vesthelm | - Kevlar+Helmet |
flashbang | - Flashbang |
hegrenade | - HE Grenade |
smokegrenade | - Smoke Grenade |
nvgs | - Nightvision |
defuser | - Defusal Kit |
Making a buyscript is as simple as binding a weapon to a key. You can use any key that isn't already in use. I use the keypad for my binds so I will use that in this How-To.
We will start with some simple binds. The syntax: bind "keyname" "buy weaponorequipmentname" (NOTE: do not put buy infront of buyammo1 or buyammo2. It will not work. That is the only time the syntax is different) For example:
bind "KP_5" "buy flashbang"
That binds keypad 5 to the flashbang.
bind "KP_END" "deagle"
will bind keypad 1 to buy the deagle. (NOTE: KP_END is the same as hitting 1 on the keypad, but you have to use a key name the game will recognize)
Now we will combine 2 buys into one bind. A deagle and full ammo for it.
bind "KP_END" "buy deagle; buy secammo"
I will show the single clip buy because the syntax is a bit different.
bind "KP_END" "buy usp; buy buyammo2"
bind "KP_END" "buy usp; buyammo2"
Now you will buy a usp with an extra clip.
There is another way to combine multiple buys into a single key. I prefer this method as the old cs had problems when your config file got to big. For this you will need to make an alias. I will use the deagle from earlier. NOTE: pay attention to your quotes and semicolons. You will notice the alias name isn't quoted when making the alias but is quoted when you bind it.
alias bde "buy deagle; buy secammo"
The alias bde will buy a deagle and full ammo for it. The alias name doesn't matter however you should keep it short and to the point.
Now we need to bind the alias to a key:
bind "KP_END" "bde"
alias fequip "buy vesthelm; buy defuser; buy hegrenade; buy flashbang; buy nvgs; buy smokegrenade"
bind "KP_PLUS" "fequip"
You can combine 2 aliases together in a bind like so..
bind "KP_PLUS" "bde; fequip"
Here is how you would make one bind to buy either the M4 or the AK.
alias brifle "buy m4a1; buy ak47; buy primammo"
bind "KP_PGDN" "brifle"
Since you can't buy the M4 as a T it will skip that part and buy the AK for you. Lets apply that to the other guns that match up to each other depending on which team you are on.
alias bcheap "buy famas; buy galil; buy primammo"
bind "KP_RIGHTARROW" "bcheap"
alias bzoom "buy aug; buy sg552; buy primammo"
bind "RIGHTARROW" "bzoom"
The 2 Autosnipers:
alias bcrap "buy g3sg1; buy sg550; buy primammo"
bind "ALT_F4" "bcrap"
A few notes...
Pistols use secammo or buyammo2. All other weapons use primammo or buyammo1. The only pistol I buy full ammo for is the deagle, it's a waste of money for other pistols. Try to spread out your equipment binds. It makes no sense to buy equipment that you will never use. ALWAYS buy a defuse kit as a CT on a bomb map (aka de_ maps), don't worry if your bind has a defuse kit and its not a de_ map or your not a CT, it wont buy it. The only grenade you can have two of is the flashbang. Armor helps and the helment is worth the extra cash. Watch your money, a M4 with no armor is kinda pointless.
Now to save everything so you don't have to type it everytime you load the game. First open up Notepad (or your favorite editor) and save all your aliases into a file, one per line. Call it buyscript.cfg. Make sure to select "All Files" when saving or it will save as buyscript.cfg.txt and that just won't do.. Now open another file. At the top of this file put: "exec buyscript.cfg
" (without the quotes) then put all your binds in it, One per line. Save as autoexec.cfg (make sure you don't already have an autoexec.cfg. If you do just put your binds in it instead of creating a new file)
Copy both files to "C:\Program Files\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\YOUR_EMAIL@HERE.COM\counter-strike source\cstrike\cfg" (you may not have Valve in there depends on how you installed Steam). Start up CS:S and test.
My buyscript.cfg and autoexec.cfg Anything starting with a // is a comment and not parsed by the game.
// _buyscript.cfg_ alias bkitnade "buy defuser; buy hegrenade" alias bde "buy deagle; buy secammo" alias bmp5 "buy mp5; buy primammo" alias bcheap "buy famas; buy galil; buy primammo" alias brifle "buy m4a1; buy ak47; buy primammo" alias bzoom "buy aug; buy sg552; buy primammo" alias bscout "buy scout; buy primammo" alias bawp "buy awp" alias bpump "buy m3; buy primammo" echo "_BuyScript Loaded_"
// _Autoexec.cfg_ // _Misc Settings_ hud_fastswitch 1 jpeg_quality 100 budget_show_history 0 cl_autowepswitch 0 cl_downloadfilter "nosounds" sv_forcepreload 1 cl_righthand 1 // _Radar and Crosshair Settings_ cl_radartype 1 cl_radaralpha 255 cl_crosshairalpha 255 cl_crosshairusealpha 1 cl_crosshairscale 800 cl_dynamiccrosshair 0 m_filter 0 // _Netcode Settings_ cl_cmdrate 100 cl_updaterate 100 cl_interp 0.01 cl_interpolate 1 cl_lagcomp_errorcheck 1 cl_lagcompensation 1 cl_smooth 1 cl_smoothtime 0.01 rate 30000 // _Graphics Settings_ cl_forcepreload 1 fps_max 101 r_teeth 0 r_eyes 0 cl_ejectbrass 0 muzzleflash_light 0 // _Sound and CPU Settings_ snd_mixahead .1 r_mmx 1 r_sse 1 r_sse2 1 // _Violence Settings_ violence_ablood 1 violence_agibs 1 violence_hblood 1 violence_hgibs 1 // _Buy Script Binds_ bind "z" "negative" bind "x" "needbackup" bind "c" "roger" bind "UPARROW" "bawp; buyammo1; buyammo1" bind "DOWNARROW" "bscout" bind "LEFTARROW" "bpump" bind "RIGHTARROW" "bzoom" bind "KP_HOME" "buy vest" bind "KP_UPARROW" "buy vesthelm" bind "KP_LEFTARROW" "buy smokegrenade" bind "KP_5" "buy flashbang" bind "KP_RIGHTARROW" "bcheap" bind "KP_END" "bde" bind "KP_DOWNARROW" "bmp5" bind "KP_PGDN" "brifle" bind "KP_PGUP" "bkitnade" bind "KP_ENTER" "buyammo2" bind "KP_PLUS" "buy primammo" // _Weapon and Mouse Binds_ bind "MOUSE5" "slot4" bind "MOUSE3" "slot1" bind "MWHEELDOWN" "slot2" bind "MWHEELUP" "slot3" bind "n" "slot5" // _fix for mouse binds killing menus_ bind "0" "slot10" bind "1" "slot1" bind "2" "slot2" bind "3" "slot3" bind "4" "slot4" bind "5" "slot5" bind "6" "slot6" bind "7" "slot7" bind "8" "slot8" bind "9" "slot9" clear exec buyscript.cfg echo "_Autoexec Loaded_"
If you have any questions or comments join the forums and let me know.